Thursday, September 30, 2010

Education Week- POST #2- Tuscon Students Aren't Deterred by Ethnic Studies Controversy

I was attracted to this article because last month I read, "Arizona, Tuscon at Odds Over Ethnic Studies." It was interesting to read that 1400 students are now signed up for these ethnic studies classes, nearly double the enrollment from last year. I am amazed that state officials appear to be paying very little attention to how students feel about these classes. When 70% of the school's population is Latino, how can you not talk about the Mexican perspective on issues? It almost feels a little bit like going back in time to when all the Indians were forced into "white" schools and had to dress and speak like "the rest of us." One would think that the time of creating cultural uniformity was so far in our past, this idea of what is happening in Arizona would be absurd. I am glad that Tuscon teachers are standing together to fight this ruling which clearly violates the first and fourteenth ammendments. I agree that this policy is racism in action, as it targets only one school district and one group of people, Mexican-Americans. I hope the Tuscon schools can continue focusing on their students and provide them with a sense of empowerment through a curriculum they can identify with.

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