Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post #1- Personal Bio

My name is Elizabeth Blake and I have enrolled at Willamette University with the intention of attaining my masters degree in early chldhood and elementary education with a special education endorsement. I have three children ages 7, 5, and 4. My oldest two boys have autism and have been involved in early childhood special education services since my middle child was 18 months old. The experiences I have had with my own children in the educational system have really inspired me to want to get into education and to help others navigate their way from diagnosis to receiving the critical intervention services necessary to help ensure the student will have all the support needed to complete K-12th grade. My children were lucky to have a wonderful autism specialist working with them who had children of her own on the autism spectrum. The advice she gave us seemed so much more significant since she had actually lived it and put her knowledge into practice. That is exactly what I hope to share with others!

I currently work full time at Sheridan High School as the After School Program site coordinator. I wear many different hats and do many different tasks, but my favorite part of the job is engaging a constantly changing group of students after school everyday. It's fascinating to have conversations with them about all the issues in their lives and then talk with them through their different choices and options.  It amazes me how many students jump from emotion to reaction with out stopping to take part in the critical thought process. I also enjoy conversations about where students hope to be after they graduate. My personal goal is to help all the students I interact with to have a goal for themselves in life and to discuss with them some of the steps they will have to take to acheive their goals. 

In addition to my roles as a student and teacher, I am also a wife and mother. I spend my spare time at football practices and games, assisting with homework, and running errands. Life is busy and chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. And what a beautiful family pic. You certainly provide a wonderful service to the Sheridan students.
